EmpowerMe Wellness

Prototyping and Web Design

EmpowerMe Wellness’ dedicated team provides an integrated approach to the most impactful services in senior living.

Using artificial intelligence(A.I.) to find similar patterns, in location, availability, and cost margins to optimize therapists schedules.

EmpowerMe Wellness
My Role
Design System Lead
UI & UX Design


Create a prototype to demo the power and leverage that the A.I. scheduler provides.
Presenting to C-Level executives for product updates and continued funding.

Design Process

Inheriting early level ideation from the previous designer, need for a redesigned UI. Formulating a plan to build a clickable prototype to present to C-level executives. Giving a realistic connection of how A.I. Scheduling could drive profits and productivity.


The C-level executives overwhelming loved the product and initially approved for round 2 development.
The prototype is used as a sales tool and building block for many other opportunities with the A.I. scheduler.